Join Troop 4
Troop Meetings:
Tuesday Nights
6:45 pm – 8:15 pm
Troop Meeting Location:
380 N Fairway Ave
Goleta, CA 93117
Monthly Adventures:
Hiking, backpacking, kayaking, skiing, whitewater rafting, ziplining, community service
“Nobody is too small to do a good turn,
even if it is only to smile.”
– Lord Robert-Baden Powell, Founder of BSA
Dear prospective scout and family,
We’re delighted that you are interested in learning more about Troop 4. You will find that Troop 4 Scouts are a fun-loving group of boys who enjoy traditional scout activities such as hiking, backpacking, and camping, but also kayaking, cycling, zip-lining, fishing, swimming and community service.
Over the last 3 years, Troop 4 scouts have traveled to every edge of the country from the Boundary Waters of Minnesota to the Florida Keys and from Catalina Island to Washington D.C. They have summited the highest peak in the continental US, Mt. Whitney and hiked the depths of the Grand Canyon.
The philosophy of BSA is that the activities and planning are boy led. This allows the scouts to determine what activities they want to organize. Parental leaders help guide these decisions and are essential to help carry out plans safely. The scouts’ activities are structured in patrols of varied ages and ranks. The patrol method allows younger scouts to work side by side with the older scouts and learn from them. Younger scouts are encouraged to ask older scouts how to do something, rather than the adult leaders. The scouts start as followers, then participants and eventually become leaders themselves. The weekly troop meetings provide skills that help prepare the scouts for the monthly outings which prepare them for high adventure trips when they are older.
We encourage parents to become personally involved in the troop. Your involvement will help motivate your son and show that you value their activities and efforts. For those able to participate on adventures, you will have an opportunity to explore amazing new places, overcome physical challenges and watch your son reach incredible goals. The Troop can only be as strong as its adult leaders and we can help you find ways to participate.
Troop 4 was chartered in 1995 and since that time has awarded 61 scouts with the highest honor of Eagle rank. We believe that any scout who wants to achieve this rank is capable. It takes dedication, planning and motivation by the scout to advance to the highest rank, but the Troop 4 leaders are prepared to help each scout achieve their highest desired rank.
Ultimately, our goal is that the Troop 4 Scouts become capable and productive members of society. They will become young adults who are able to communicate effectively, lead others, be prepared to handle difficult situations and care for those around them.
The BSA law says that a Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent. These are the values that try to instill in our Scouts throughout all activities.